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New Year, Same me

I recently saw something so hilarious on Instagram about this same topic and it was this guy talking and this dog making smug faces, talking about how “I know everyone is going to be talking about this New Year, New Me BS but I just wanted to let you know that next year, you are just going to get the same loving a**hole version of me”….I was rolling on the floor.

I feel like every year we get this pressure to “change” ourselves in some drastic way, only to feel like we let ourselves down if we didn’t succeed in- losing that 10 pounds, making that extra $50k, not starting a new hobby or side hustle, the list goes on, right?!……

Society almost makes us feel at the new year, that something is “wrong” with us that we need to fix.

I challenge you this year to leave all that behind, live your life the best way you know how, have fun while doing it, set some goals (if you wish) that you may or may not crush, love on your family, love on yourself and remember when you wake up every morning that you are doing the VERY best you can and that’s all that matters. Cause at the end of the day, Instagram isn’t real- that’s just a reel or moments in fleeting time, we can’t all keep up with the Jonesys’ and just cause someone told you that’s the way it is, doesn’t mean its the truth of the matter.

I will be showing up as my same authentic self in 2024- doing the same daily routines of taking care of my fur babies, revolving my life around them , hoping and wishing that every shelter animal gets a home, continuing to find ways to support our shelters through different avenues of revenue to donate, always pushing to make my business better every single year and trying to work on my mental health to not worry so much about every little thing. That’s me in a nutshell and that won’t change in 2024 or ever probably. Yeah, sure, I’ll have some goals and dreams, aspirations for the year but I am old enough now to know that I may crush some, while others I may not.

So, Take 2024 by your own f*cking horns and make it what YOU want it to be!

So much love and Happy New Year!

Love, your hairstylist,


Must haves for great Winter hair

The Winter months do a number on our hair and skin. Being indoors with constant heating makes everything so very dry and sucks the moisture out of any and everything, this includes our hair. Good news is, there is fairly easy fixes to this.

Along with our hair feeling dry and brittle, I have lots of clients coming in with scalp concerns as well. This time of year is when you will get a lot of itching and dry flaking usually. Again, I have answers for that too. Continue reading on and we will get you those solutions….

  • Changing up your shampoo + conditioner to something more nourishing and moisturizing this time of year is a GREAT idea. My must have recommendation is Loma Nourishing Shampoo + conditioner

  • Adding in a deep conditioner to your routine is a MUST! Switch out your regular conditioner all together or add this in 1x a week. Must have- Amika Soulfood

  • Washing less and brushing more. The more you shampoo, the more you are removing moisture from the hair and causing it to be more dry. When you use a vegan boar bristle brush to distribute your natural oils from your scalp to your ends- this stimulates hair growth, moisturizes your ends + makes you less greasy. My Fav: Wet Brush Go Green Tea Tree oil detangling brush. Find on Amazon

  • Treat your scalp like you treat the rest of your hair. It needs love too. Add in scalp oils or potions to address itchiness or flaking. My go to: Castor Oil and Cult+King Tonik

    Now that you have some suggestions, execute one or all of them to have great winter hair!

    You can find all of these wonderful recommended products for purchase on my “shop” page of this website, inside my Studio online store.

    If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me via email at for personal recommendations!

    *Main St Studio does not recommend purchasing products from third party websites like Amazon for concern of authenticity. We can not guarantee the effectiveness of the recommended products unless bought through a reputable distributor.*